Fortify your health and well being with organic cat’s claw herb from Vimergy. A daily serving of our cat claw product contains antioxidants that can boost immune support.
Fast Absorption - Our formula delivers fast-absorbing cat’s claw in a liquid form that contains no alcohol. We formulate our cats claw supplement with plant-based organic flax glycerin, which has no metallic aftertaste, is naturally sweet without sugar or fat, and acts as a natural preservative. The tough plant fiber has already been removed, making the phytonutrients more readily available.
Superior Potency - Vimergy liquified cat’s claw is a powerful botanical extract. A single serving of our potent 10x concentrated cat claw formula delivers the equivalent of a full gram (1000 mg) of herbal activity. For a daily health boost, simply add our cat’s claw liquid to a glass of water or juice, or your morning smoothie. It’s an easy way to feel great every day.
The Benefits of Pure Cat’s Claw - The distinctive hooked tendrils of the cat claw vine are what give this plant its common name. A daily serving of this liquid formula made from this plant contains many phytonutrient compounds with antioxidant properties. This can help balance the impact of oxidative stress and support healthy levels of repair enzymes.*
A Clean Formula - Vimergy pure cat’s claw is supplement that comes in a clean liquid form you can count on. Our product is third party verified and formulated with no gluten, no corn, no soy, no alcohol, no refined sugar, and no unnecessary colors or fillers. We offer a clean vegan supplement that’s certified organic, non-GMO, and paleo-friendly.
Why Liquids? The entire line of Vimergy liquid drops is formulated to be faster absorbing than capsule or tablet forms. Additionally, taking herbal supplements in liquid form means much of the digestive “work” needed to access and make the phytonutrients available is already done. The tough fiber and plant material has been removed, and the vital plant nutrients have been concentrated into a powerful liquid extract.
Why Vimergy? Vimergy seeks to empower every person to take charge of their own health and wellness. We design our cat’s claw liquid and other products with the most sensitive in mind, using easy-to-take product forms and creating formulas without problematic ingredients. Unlike most multivitamins, Vimergy supplements are adaptable, so you can be responsive to your body’s daily needs as well as your long-term health. For those who know that their health and well-being needs are unique, Vimergy provides premium quality personalized supplements and lifestyle routines that support the body’s functions for a lifetime.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.