FELIWAY Classic, developed by the #1 vet recommended brand, mimics natural feline facial pheromones to help reduce common signs of stress in cats.
Helps with: scratching, urine spraying, hiding, and other fear related behaviors related to changes in your cat’s environment like changes in the home.
FELIWAY Classic is drug-free and non-sedating.
9/10 cats showed improvement in urine spraying & 8/10 cats reduced scratching when using FELIWAY Classic.
FELIWAY is supported by over 25 years of feline stress expertise.
The diffuser continuously releases a calming pheromone analog for up to 30 days, to help comfort your cat. Simply plug into an open outlet with 4+ feet of space to diffuse, with vents pointed upright.
Safe to use - while pheromone analogs may help your cat, they won’t affect humans or other pets.
Starter kit includes 1 diffuser head and 1 vial; make sure to only use a FELIWAY Diffuser with a FELIWAY Classic Refill (they are not compatible with other brands).
To maximize effectiveness, use one diffuser per 700 sqft, replace the vial once a month, and the diffuser every 6 months.
Is your cat peeing outside the litter box, scratching your furniture, or hiding on a regular basis? These behaviors may be caused by fear and anxiety. FELIWAY products are vet recommended, drug free, and shown to help alleviate many of these unwanted cat behaviors. FELIWAY CLASSIC provides “happy messages” by mimicking the natural feline reassuring messages (pheromones) to make cats feel calm and comfortable at home. This product has been found to reduce scratching, spraying, and hiding for 90% of cats - many owners see results within 7 days. Cats can be sensitive to change, so if you anticipate changes in the home (moving, renovation, new pets, etc.), FELIWAY is effective in helping your cats remain calm, and adapt to the changes without unwanted behaviors. This FELIWAY Classic Diffuser Refill kit includes three refill vials (diffuser sold separately). Plug your diffuser in the room(s) where your cat spends most time - each diffuser covers up to 700 sq. feet. Make sure your diffuser isn't covered by curtains or behind furniture. Each refill can last up to 30 days. For maximum effectiveness, you should replace diffuser every 6 months. Follow the instructions when plugging in diffuser, and plug it in upright.