Vet tested, cat approved: cat inhaler mask for asthma, bronchitis, allergies, breathing difficulties
Confidence in medication delivery: Flow-Vu* inhalation indicator counts breaths, ensures mask fit
Reduced medication cost: makes more medication available for dogs to inhale - less waste saves money
Easy to use: canine aerosol chamber helps deliver any Metered Dose Inhaler medication to the lungs
Designed for cats: custom valve/antistatic chamber holds meds longer, 2 silicone masks fit all cats
Product Description
Trudell Medical International (est. 1922) developed the AeroKat* chamber to specifically account for the unique needs of cats in respiratory distress, for example the presence of fur, differences in face shape, breathing patterns and behavior. Adapted from leading technology in human chambers, The AeroKat* chamber is made exclusively in Canada with Canadian and USA parts from the makers of the leading AeroChamber* brand of chambers for humans, which are used by doctors in over 100 countries around the world.
The AeroKat* aerosol chamber can be used with any feline inhaler, metered dose inhaler (MDI) or puffer that your veterinarian has prescribed for a respiratory condition.
The AeroKat* chamber has exclusive features, such as the Flow-Vu* Indicator, low-resistance inhalation valve and antistatic holding chamber. These features ensure that your cat benefits from medication, and you save on your annual cat medication costs! Made in Canada with Canadian and USA parts by Trudell Medical, makers of the leading human aerosol chamber AeroChamber* brand of chambers, our product is of the highest quality. Our results have been validated by reviewed clinical studies and tested in an industry-leading aerosol laboratory to ensure optimum performance.
We’ve designed the AUTHENTIC AeroKat* chamber with exclusive features that reduce medication waste and help you save on your cat’s annual inhaled respiratory medication costs:
State-of-the-art Flow-Vu* Indicator
Low-resistance inhalation/exhalation valve
Antistatic holding chamber
Non-stick masks in two sizes
The AeroKat* chamber has been shown to keep more medication available so your cat has time to inhale the dose. Inhalation delay is important because: 1) Cats may instinctively hold their breath when you first apply an inhaler mask; 2) Cats typically require 7-10 breaths to empty the chamber; 3) Puffing the medication into the AeroKat* chamber before applying the mask can prevent startling.
*TMI data on file. Chambers used directly out of package. Medication delivered measured at the mouthpiece past the valve with 2-second inhalation delay. Results reflect the performance of the anti-static MWI VetOne 2-in-1 Feline Aerosol Chamber and the average performance of four non anti-static chambers. Cost annualized based on 2 puffs per day and 280 dollars per canister.
AeroKat* is the only feline aerosol chamber that features the innovative Flow-Vu*Indicator. This indicator allows you to check that the mask is fitted correctly and count the number of breaths taken.
Without a proper mask fit, your cat may not get the medication. The Flow-Vu* Indicator allows you to count as your cat takes the 7-10 breaths required to empty the chamber. This feature is designed to ensure the full dose is delivered to your cat’s lungs.
The AeroKat* chamber has a high-performance, low-resistance inhalation valve that is extra-sensitive so that it opens even with shallow breathing.
On exhalation, the valve seals to prevent exhaled breath from blowing medication out of chamber to help ensure a higher delivery rate with less medication waste.
The AeroKat* chamberis made from a shatter-resistant, non-static polymer.
Our anti-static aerosol inhaler space ensures medication doesn’t stick to the sides, holding it aloft until your cat is ready to inhale. This design makes medication more readily available for inhalation deep into the lungs.
The AeroKat* chamber includes a small mask for use with cats and kittens weighing up to 10lbs and a medium mask for cats weighing over 10lbs.
Each mask is made from comfortable silicone rubber that won’t stick to the skin or pull fur.
Using the AeroKat* Chamber is easy! Simply follow these four steps:
Shake inhaler and insert into back of chamber
Press the inhaler to release medication
Apply the mask to cover the nose and mouth but not the eyes
Use the Flow-Vu* Indicator to count 7-10 breaths
Easier than pilling or injections, you may be surprised how accepting cats are of the AeroKat*when you follow the condition, love, reward approach:
Condition: Entice your cat by giving treats before use; start with the mask only to familiarize your cat with the device; pump medicine into the chamber first to avoid startling your cat, then fit the mask to your cat’s face. Love: Hold your cat in a favorite towel or blanket for comfort. Reward: Give your cats treats after each use.