Function: Great for dispensing cat puree and cat bisque and other lickable stick treats with no mess on your hands.
Easy to use: Cat treat puree can be easily squeezed out. It is convenient for pets to lick and control cat from biting into stick.
Squeeze complete: Slide the button of the cat treat puree or bisque into the inside clip, press down and it will completely squeeze out all the treat waste. Zero waste!
Easy to clean: Hand wash with mild soap and dry on dish rack - avoid dishwasher.
Material: High Quality 100% PP material, heat resistant up to 100 Celcius.
Function: Great for dispensing cat puree and cat bisque and other lickable stick treats without getting it all over your hands. Easy to use: Cat treat puree can be easily squeezed out. It is convenient for pets to lick and control cat from biting into stick. Squeeze complete: Slide the button of the cat treat puree or bisque into the inside clip, press down and it will completely squeeze out all the treat without waste. Easy to clean: Wash with mild soap and dry on dish rack - avoid dishwasher. Material: 100% PP material, heat resistant up to 100 Celcius. This is great cats that eat their puree sticks too fast and it will avoid cat biting onto your fingers!